Our mission is to Provide Excellence, Quality and Comfort.


1340 Tuskawilla Rd. Suite 113 Winter Springs, FL 32708

Photo Rejuvenation is a non-invasive treatment performed with medical-grade Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology. It is designed to target skin conditions, including pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, sun damaged skin, dilated capillaries, redness, and rosacea. The process works by using accurately targeted light energy to safely treat visible blood vessels or pigmentation.

What is IPL Photo Rejuvenation?

Also popularly known as Photopeel or Photofacial, IPL treatments rejuvenate the complexion and reduce the effects of sun-damage giving you smoother, younger, and healthier-looking skin. 

What specifically does it treat?

IPL treats age spots, uneven pigmentation, broken capillaries, facial veins, flushing, and rosacea. It also reduces pore size and improves skin tone. 

Is it safe?

IPL has been FDA-approved as safe and effective for over thirteen years.

How long do treatments take and does it hurt?

Each treatment takes about 15-30 minutes with minimal to no discomfort.

What areas can be treated?

The face, neck, chest, shoulders, hands, and legs can all be safely treated.

What areas can be treated?

The face, neck, chest, shoulders, hands, and legs can all be safely treated.

  • Sunspots/Sun Damage: The sunspots will darken after treatment and flake off the skin within 1-2 weeks.
  • Rosacea: Skin tone will have less redness within a week after treatment.
  • Spider Veins: Vessels may disappear after treatment or fade after 10-14 days.

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