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1340 Tuskawilla Rd. Suite 113 Winter Springs, FL 32708

What Is PDO Thread lift?

A PDO thread lift is a revolutionary new treatment in the world of aesthetics, but PDO threads themselves have been used safely for decades for various applications, like treating gynecological disorders or suturing incisions after medical procedures. When used as an aesthetic treatment, there are a few things you should know.

First, it mechanically results in instant skin lifting. Second, it contracts fat tissue to result in instant skin tightening. Third, it promotes collagen production and neovascularization to renew your skin at the cellular level. All of this works together to give you enhanced skin texture, fewer fine lines and wrinkles and more elastic skin.

How Long Does It Take?

One of the best things about this treatment is it only takes 15 to 30 minutes. After that, you’re free to go back to work or whatever else you had scheduled for the rest of your day.

What Can I Expect Before Treatment?

Before treatment starts, we will apply a topical numbing agent and local anesthetic to the treatment site. The needle used during this treatment is so fine it will not cause any pain. However, we provide anesthesia to ensure you feel no discomfort during the treatment.

What Can I Expect During Treatment?

Once the anesthetic has taken effect, your treatment will begin. The PDO threads are inserted via blunt tip needles, called cannulas, or sharp-tipped needles. Once inserted into the appropriate layer of skin, they act as anchors as the skin is lifted upwards. Then, the excess threads are cut off.

Are All PDO Threads the Same?

There are several types of PDO threads, and each serves its own unique purpose. Depending on your aesthetic goals, your PDO provider may use one or many thread types during your anti-aging treatment.

What Types of PDO Threads Are There?

There are two primary types of PDO threads, These are floating non-barbed threads and floating barbed threads. Sub-classifications of non-barbed threads include braided threads and mono-filament threads. Sub-classifications of barbed threads include:

  • Unilateral
  • Bilateral
  • Spiral
  • Uni-directional
  • Bi-directional
  • Z-type
  • Cutting barbs
  • Molding barbs

You may hear PDO threads described with names such as “heart barbs”, “tornado” or “double screw”. These are all references to various barbed PDO threads.

Does It Really Matter What Kind of PDO Thread Is Used?

It absolutely matters what type or types are PDO thread is used during your PDO thread lift. Besides the distinct difference in shape, PDO threads come in varying lengths and thicknesses. Factors affected by the type of thread used include tensile strength, efficacy, quality and cost of treatment.

Is This Treatment Safe?

This treatment is completely safe. It is approved by the FDA for safety and efficiency. Moreover, hundreds of thousands of treatments have been performed and there are no reports of allergic reactions, sensitivities to the threads, or serious side effects or risks.

What Do I Need to Do Before Treatment?

Since PDO thread lifts are non-invasive, there isn’t a lot you need to do to prepare. However, there are some precautionary measures you can take to ensure the best results from your treatment. Here are things you should avoid one to two days before treatment:

  • Alcohol
  • Ginko
  • Omega fish oil supplements
  • Chinese medicine
  • Vitamin E
  • High-intensity workouts
  • Steam rooms and saunas

What Do I Need to Do After Treatment?

There are not a lot of special after-care requirements to this treatment. However, you should hold off on any dental treatments for the first two weeks after your PDO thread lift. Holding your mouth open for an excessive period of time can affect the results of your treatment. Moreover, you’ll want to sleep on your back for the first couple of weeks. This ensures you don’t put too much pressure on one side of your face.

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