Our mission is to Provide Excellence, Quality and Comfort.


1340 Tuskawilla Rd. Suite 113 Winter Springs, FL 32708

Omnilux™ combination light therapy was developed by Phototherapeutics to treat a variety of dermatological conditions and is the most advanced light therapy used in the world today.

Each relaxing treatment light offers a different skin solution and can be used alone or in conjunction with other medical procedures and products to improve the skin.

Each one of the different Omnilux™ light therapy treatments are non-invasive, do not produce any unwanted side effects or discomfort and provide long lasting results.


What is Omnilux™?

Omnilux™ was developed after 12 years of extensive medical research. Omnilux™ is a new technology based on narrowband Light emitting Diodes (LEDs). Our range of products includes Omnilux™ blue, Omnilux™ revive, and Omnilux™ plus, for treating a wide range of dermatological conditions including, acne, wrinkle reduction and pain management. Each detachable treatment head delivers pure, optimised, narrowband light via a matrix of LEDs carefully positioned to deliver light to the treatment area.

Omnilux Plus

Omnilux™ plus 830nm light acts synergistically with Omnilux™ revive light to achieve optimum efficacy in photo rejuvenation. Omnilux™ plus is strongly absorbed within fibro-myocytes promoting alignment and increased tone in the newly produced collagen bundles. The composite effect leaves the skin fuller and tighter in appearance. Light-stimulated neo-vascularization in the treatment area means greater perfusion to the skin, increased oxygenation and removal of toxins and a more glowing residual appearance.

Omnilux™ Revive

Omnilux Revive™ Award winning, Photo Rejuvenation light therapy. A completely natural method of skin-rejuvenation using light-only methods. It uses the same natural processes the body uses to battle the effects of ageing as well as enhancing and extending the effects of skin care products. Penetrating to 633nm, it stimulates collagen and mitochondria activity and unlike IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) light therapy is non-ablative, meaning it does not cut, burn or break the skins surface.

Omnilux Revive™ will also stimulate Serotonin production therefore ideal for those who suffer from S.A.D. It’s the ultimate stress management treatment.

What is Omnilux™ Revive?

Omnilux Revive™ encompasses a completely natural method of skin-rejuvenation using light-only methods. It uses the same natural processes the body uses to battle the effects of ageing as well as enhancing and extending the effects of skin care products.

Prescribed for the following skin type or concerns:

  • Redness
  • Aging skin, fine lines and wrinkles
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Dark circles under eyes
  • Blemished skin or Mild to severe acne skins
  • Minor red scarred skin

The benefits of Omnilux™ Revive:

  • Reduces skin redness
  • Reduces skin inflammation
  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Reduces swelling and bruising after cosmetic treatments
  • Promote skin healing
  • Overall lifting and hydrating feeling
  • Improvement in skin tone and texture
  • Evening-out of skin pigmentation
  • Smoothing of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Feelings of well being and relaxation

What is Omnilux™ Blue?

Omnilux™ blue is a highly effective treatment for acne. Omnilux™ blue utilizes a matrix of LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) which produces a bright blue light that has been proven to effectively kill the P. Acne bacteria in the skin; which reduces facial blemishes and results in a faster, clearer complexion.
Omnilux™ blue can be used in conjunction with several other medical procedures and cosmeceuticals products to effectively treat acne where it starts and prevent new acne breakouts from forming.

Prescribed for the following skin type or concerns:

  • Red acne skin
  • Pustule breakouts
  • Inflammation associated with breakouts and acne

The benefits of Omnilux™ Blue:

  • Reduces P. acne bacteria and acne breakouts
  • Reduces sebum (oil) in the skin
  • Heals pimples or cyst at a very fast rate
  • Prevents new breakouts from forming

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